waiting times

Hospital Particular Alvor


Atendimento Permanente

Hospital Particular Gambelas


Atendimento Permanente



Hospital Particular da Madeira


Atendimento Permanente



Madeira Medical Center

Atendimento Médico
não programado

Dr.ª Maria Gomes


HPA Units


General Surgery
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    CGD · Convenção RAM/IASaúde · Advance Care · Multicare · SAMS Quadros · Future Healthcare · RNA Medical · SAMS/SIB · Allianz · Médis


Português, Inglês e Espanhol


May 2016


Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto on 26 November 1999.
General Internship in Região Autónoma da Madeira, Serviço Regional de Saúde, EPE between January 2000 and July 2001.
Internship in General Surgery in the Specialty Service of IPOFG (Portuguese Institute of Oncology Francisco Gentil) - Lisbon, EPE between January 2002 and June 2008.
Awarded the Degree of Assistant in General Surgery on July 8, 2008.
Admitted as General Surgeon, Hospital Assistant, at the Health Service of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, EPE in October 2008.

Professional Activity

Since 2008 to 2016: medical follow-up of patients with colorectal pathology, study patients, surgery and post-operative, oncological "follow-up" and palliation (Hospital Service, Surgery).
Since 2017: medical follow-up of patients with hepatobiliopancreatic pathology, patients under study, surgery and post-operative, oncological follow-up and palliation (Hospital Service, Surgery).
Urgent care of patients with urgent general surgical pathology, namely traumatic.

Scientific/Pedagogical Activity

Since 2013: General Surgery Specialty Internship Advisor at the General Surgery Service, Nélio Mendonça Hospital, SESARAM, E.P.E.
Member of the Functional Unit of Acute Pain since March 2014.
Trainer in Palliative Care Courses taught at SESARAM, EPE and member of the In-hospital Palliative Care Team at SESARAM, EPE since 2013.
Member of the Clinical Nutrition Committee of SESARAM, EPE since May 2012.  

Main Practice Areas at Grupo HPA

Outpatient Consultations


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